calculate an area based on x and y coordinates and width and height values in javascript -

i have problem i've been trying solve myself without success.

i have object represent rectangle, it's position (x,y) , size (width , height).

i have 2 lists, both contains object mentioned before, 1 list represents positive areas , other represents negative areas.

based in information, need total area results if add elements in both positive , negative lists. i'm interested in result if total area rectangle, otherwise it's irrelevant me.

for example: if positive list contains these 2 objects

{x:20, y:20, width:100, height:20} {x:20, y:40, width:80, height:80}

and negative list contains object

{x:100, y:20, width:20, height:20}

the result of adding these 3 objects be:

{x:20, y:20, width:80, height:100}

this image shows graphical representation of 3 objects in 2 lists , result.


i appreciate bring.

edit: made small correction in 1 of 3 objects, , coordinate system i'm using cartesian system reversed y-axis (as can see in next figure) reversedyaxis

this not simple question, , more algorithmic problem javascript problem.

this works example.

var pos = [{x:20, y:20, width:100, height:20}, {x:20, y:40, width:80, height:80}];  var neg = [{x:100, y:20, width:20, height:20}]; // fixed x: 80 -> x: 100    // create 1 single array of rectangles , add attribute indicating if  // rectangle neg or pos  var rects ={    return object.assign({pos: true}, o);  }).concat({    return object.assign({pos: false}, o);  }));        // combine 2 rectangles.  function combine2rects(r1, r2, maintainorder){    // width addition    if(r1.pos && r2.pos && r1.x === r2.x && r1.width === r2.width && r2.y === r1.y + r1.height){      return object.assign({}, r1, { height: r1.height + r2.height });      // height addition    } else if(r1.pos && r2.pos && r1.y === r2.y && r2.x === r1.x + r1.width && r1.height === r2.height) {      return object.assign({}, r1, { width: r1.width + r2.width });      // height bottom subtraction    } else if(r1.pos && !r2.pos && r1.x === r2.x && r1.width === r2.width && r2.y === r1.y + r1.height - r2.height && r1.height - r2.height > 0){      return object.assign({}, r1, { height: r1.height - r2.height });          // height top subtraction    } else if(r1.pos && !r2.pos && r1.x === r2.x && r1.width === r2.width && r2.y === r1.y  && r1.height > r2.height){      return object.assign({}, r1, { height: r1.height - r2.height, y: r1.y + r2.height });          // width right subtraction    } else if(r1.pos && !r2.pos && r1.y === r2.y && r1.height === r2.height && r2.x === r1.x + r1.width - r2.width && r1.width - r2.width > 0){      return object.assign({}, r1, { width: r1.width - r2.width });          // width left subtraction    } else if(r1.pos && !r2.pos && r1.y === r2.y && r1.height === r2.height && r2.x === r1.x && r2.width < r1.width){      return object.assign({}, r1, { x: r1.x + r2.width, width: r1.width - r2.width });            // if 2 negative rectangle, treat them pos invert them again.    } else if(!r1.pos && !r2.pos){      var invertedresult = combine2rects(        object.assign({}, r1, { pos: true }),        object.assign({}, r2, { pos: true }),        maintainorder      );      if(invertedresult){        invertedresult.pos = false;        return invertedresult;      }        // try r2 @ place of r1 , vice-versa    } else if(!maintainorder){      return combine2rects(r2, r1, true);    }  }    function combinerects(rects){    var lastn = 0;    var result = rects.slice();    // while still made @ least 1 combination    debugger    while(result.length !== lastn){      lastn = result.length;      // each rectangle in list      for(var i=0; i<result.length; i++){        var r1 = result[i];        // try combine 1 of following rectangles in list        for(var j=i+1; j<result.length; j++){          var r2 = result[j];          var c = combine2rects(r1, r2);          if(c){            // replace combined rectangle combination            result[i] = c;            // , remove rectangle has been combined            result.splice(j, 1);            break;          }        }      }    }    return result;  }    document.write(json.stringify(combinerects(rects)));


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