android - Unity3D - Get smooth speed and acceleration with GPS data -

i'm using unity3d , created simple distance, speed , acceleration calculator using latitude , longitude of last position. i'm calculating last distance, speed , acceleration in each gps update (approximately once per second). (2-3 second interval) latitude , longitude values changes rapidly (in clear weather , no obstacles). that's why speed , acceleration values gets unreal results. example, @ stable 40 km/h speed, speed value becomes 60 km/h , returns 40 km/h within 2-3 second. i'm here ask how can avoid inaccurate , rapid gps data changes?

i'm using nexus 5 device

there code:

using unityengine; using system.collections; using unityengine.ui; using unityengine.scenemanagement;  public class manager : monobehaviour { public text longitude, latitude, lonatext, latatext, lonbtext, latbtext; public text result, overallresult, speedtext, lasttimetext, timertext, accelerationtext, speed0text;  float lona, lonb, lata, latb, overalldistance, lastdistance, timer, lasttime, speed, speed0, acceleration; bool firsttime, allowtimer;  public audiosource audio;  void awake() {     overalldistance = 0;     lastdistance = 0;     timer = 0;     lasttime = 0;     speed = 0;     speed0 = 0;      firsttime = true;     allowtimer = true; }  ienumerator start() {     // first, check if user has location service enabled     if (!input.location.isenabledbyuser)         yield break;      // start service before querying location     input.location.start(1, 1);      // wait until service initializes     int maxwait = 20;     while (input.location.status == locationservicestatus.initializing && maxwait > 0)     {         yield return new waitforseconds(1);         maxwait--;     }      // service didn't initialize in 20 seconds     if (maxwait < 1)     {         print("timed out");         yield break;     }      // connection has failed     if (input.location.status == locationservicestatus.failed)     {         print("unable determine device location");         yield break;     }     else     {         // access granted , location value retrieved         print("location: " + input.location.lastdata.latitude + " " + input.location.lastdata.longitude + " " + input.location.lastdata.altitude + " " + input.location.lastdata.horizontalaccuracy + " " + input.location.lastdata.timestamp);          longitude.text = input.location.lastdata.longitude.tostring();         latitude.text = input.location.lastdata.latitude.tostring();          lona = input.location.lastdata.longitude;         lata = input.location.lastdata.latitude;     }      // stop service if there no need query location updates continuously     //input.location.stop(); }  void update() {     longitude.text = input.location.lastdata.longitude.tostring();     latitude.text = input.location.lastdata.latitude.tostring();      timer += time.deltatime;     timertext.text = timer.tostring();       if (lona != input.location.lastdata.longitude || lata != input.location.lastdata.latitude)     {;          calculatedistances(lona, lata, input.location.lastdata.longitude, input.location.lastdata.latitude);  // last distance , overall distances                     lona = input.location.lastdata.longitude;         lata = input.location.lastdata.latitude;          lasttime = timer;         lasttimetext.text = lasttime.tostring();         timer = 0;           speed0 = speed;         speed0text.text = speed0.tostring();          calculatespeed();          calculateacceleration();     }             }     public static float radians(float x) {     return x * mathf.pi / 180; }  public void calculatedistances(float firstlon, float firstlat, float secondlon, float secondlat) {     lonatext.text = firstlon.tostring();     latatext.text = firstlat.tostring();      lonbtext.text = secondlon.tostring();     latbtext.text = secondlat.tostring();      float dlon = radians(secondlon - firstlon);     float dlat = radians(secondlat - firstlat);      float distance = mathf.pow(mathf.sin(dlat / 2), 2) + mathf.cos(radians(firstlat)) * mathf.cos(radians(secondlat)) * mathf.pow(mathf.sin(dlon / 2), 2);      float c = 2 * mathf.atan2(mathf.sqrt(distance), mathf.sqrt(1 - distance));      lastdistance = 6371 * c * 1000;       result.text = lastdistance.tostring() + " meters";      overalldistance += lastdistance;  // bu 1 anliq 6.000.000-dan boyuk qiymet ala biler      startcoroutine(overall()); }  ienumerator overall() {     if (firsttime)     {         firsttime = false;          yield return new waitforseconds(2);          if (overalldistance > 6000000)         {             overalldistance = 0;             lastdistance = 0;         }     }      overalldistance += lastdistance;     overallresult.text = overalldistance.tostring() + " meters"; }  void calculatespeed() {     speed = lastdistance / lasttime * 3.6f;      speedtext.text = speed.tostring(); }  void calculateacceleration() {     acceleration = (speed - speed0) / lasttime;     accelerationtext.text = acceleration.tostring(); } } 

thanks , tip
ps. please edit question if made grammar , logical mistake.


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