How to parse javascript in PHP page with Java? -

i want retrieve value of javascript section in php file application in java.

the php page contain :

<script type="text/javascript"> var tab= new array();     tab[0] = "value0";     tab[1] = "value1";     tab[2] = "value2"; </script> 

i'm using jsoup parsing html tag. tried use rhino don't find example.

context context = context.enter(); scriptable scope = context.initstandardobjects(); object result = null; reader reader = new inputstreamreader(inputstreamofthepage); result = context.evaluatereader(scope, reader, "page", 1 , null ); scriptable varvalue = (scriptable)scope.get("tab", scope); string valuestr = (string)varvalue .get("tab[0]", varvalue ); 

it's giving me exception : java.lang.classcastexception: org.mozilla.javascript.uniquetag cannot cast org.mozilla.javascript.scriptable

i don't know how cast object. maybe there better way want.


jsoup not suitable parse javascript... it's normal doesn't work !


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