shell - How to store a user password using BASH script and access it in scripts it invokes -

i have script:

read -s -p "enter password use in script: " password  echo -e $password | sudo -s brew cask install junk  echo "done installing junk, running step 1..." ./

echo -e $password | sudo -s some-other-command 

obviously $password empty in, , export variable use globally in other scripts invokes:

export password 

or can use script argument:

read -s -p "enter password use in script: " password  echo -e $password | sudo -s brew cask install junk  echo "done installing junk, running step 1..." ./ $password

echo -e $1 | sudo -s some-other-command 

i'm assuming first example using export isn't idea security perspective (however, i'm not sure). second usable , secure? also, if not, there better way without relying on sudo caching password (i have large list of scripts take time execute , cache timeout , want entire script unattended)?

don't send/use password plaintext.

run first script sudo , privilege drop (if needed) inside script, call second script first script.


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