c# - Not able to convert JSON to Java class (call WebApi from Android app) -
im working on school project , im new in android programming have programming experiance in c# , .net.
this code:
public class proizvodiapi { public class proizvodivm implements serializable { public integer proizvodid; public string naziv; public string sifra; public bigdecimal cijena; public byte[] slikathumb; public string jedinicamjere; public string vrstaproizvoda; } public class proizvodilista implements serializable { public list<proizvodivm> proizvodi; } public static void getallproizvode(final myrunnable<proizvodilista> onsuccess) { requestqueue queue = volley.newrequestqueue(myapp.getcontext()); string url = "proizvodi/getproizvodivm"; // request string response provided url. stringrequest stringrequest = new stringrequest(request.method.get, config.urlapi + url, new response.listener<string>() { @override public void onresponse(string response) { final gson gson = mygson.build(); final proizvodilista model = gson.fromjson(response, proizvodilista.class); onsuccess.run(model); } }, new response.errorlistener() { @override public void onerrorresponse(volleyerror error) { toast.maketext(myapp.getcontext() , "that didn't work", toast.length_long).show(); } }); // add request requestqueue. queue.add(stringrequest); } }
program crashes here:
final proizvodilista model = gson.fromjson(response, proizvodilista.class);
is problem deserializing json, if is, shoud change java class , change ?
here c# class in web api:
public class proizvodi { public int proizvodid { get; set; } public string naziv { get; set; } public string sifra { get; set; } public decimal cijena { get; set; } public byte[] slikathumb { get; set; } public string jedinicamjere { get; set; } public string vrstaproizvoda { get; set; } }
based on response receiving, jsonarray , not simple jsonobject. deserialize properly.
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