java - Android Application Login with Facebook is not working with Facebook App installed -

this code working when uninstalled facebook app didn't work facebook app installed. i'm using facebook sdk 4.0.

this code

package com.example.nhp04.gqfood; import com.facebook.accesstoken; import com.facebook.accesstokentracker; import com.facebook.callbackmanager; import com.facebook.facebookcallback; import com.facebook.facebookexception; import com.facebook.facebooksdk; import com.facebook.profile; import com.facebook.login.loginresult; import com.facebook.login.widget.loginbutton;    public class login extends appcompatactivity implements animation.animationlistener {  private string info = ""; private loginbutton loginbutton; private callbackmanager callbackmanager; private accesstokentracker tracker;      protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {         super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);         facebooksdk.sdkinitialize(getapplicationcontext());         callbackmanager = callbackmanager.factory.create();         setcontentview(r.layout.activity_login); loginbutton = (loginbutton)findviewbyid(;    loginbutton.registercallback(callbackmanager, new facebookcallback<loginresult>() {         @override         public void onsuccess(loginresult loginresult) {             accesstoken accesstoken = loginresult.getaccesstoken();             profile profile = profile.getcurrentprofile();             info = ("user id: " +       loginresult.getaccesstoken().getuserid() + "\n" + "auth token: " + loginresult.getaccesstoken().gettoken());                 }                  @override                 public void oncancel() {                     info = ("login attempt canceled.");                 }                  @override                 public void onerror(facebookexception e) {                     info = ("login attempt failed.");                 }             });             system.out.println(info);             tracker = new accesstokentracker() {             @override             protected void oncurrentaccesstokenchanged(accesstoken oldaccesstoken, accesstoken currentaccesstoken) {              }         };         tracker.starttracking();     }     } 

this function checking login

public boolean isloggedin() {     accesstoken accesstoken = accesstoken.getcurrentaccesstoken();     return accesstoken != null; } 

this on resume , on stop methods

@override protected void onresume() {     super.onresume();     if (isloggedin()){         intent home = new intent(this, home.class);         startactivity(home);     } }  @override protected void onstop() {     super.onstop();     tracker.stoptracking();     finish(); } 

and onactivityresult

@override protected void onactivityresult(int requestcode, int resultcode, intent data) {     super.onactivityresult(requestcode, resultcode, data);     callbackmanager.onactivityresult(requestcode, resultcode, data);     if (resultcode == result_ok) {         intent home = new intent(this, home.class);         startactivity(home);     } else {         toast.maketext(getapplicationcontext(), "unable login please check internet connection",toast.length_long).show();     } } 

where onactivityresult() code. in onactivityresult() need use callbackmanager. user below code:

 @override public void onactivityresult(int requestcode, int resultcode, intent data) {     super.onactivityresult(requestcode, resultcode, data);     callbackmanager.onactivityresult(requestcode, resultcode, data);  } 

above work both in fragment/activity. make sure have

1. facebook app installed on testing device 2. in facebook developer account check whether have mentioned  - correct package name : refer android project manifestfile.xml  - check have mentioned correct launcher class - check have given correct debug/release hash key  3. cross check facebook application id , mentioned in manifestfile.xml facebook meta data same 

in code change below

create callbackmanager after setcontentview(...);

change below facebooksdk.sdkinitialize(getapplicationcontext()); appeventslogger.activateapp(this); setcontentview(r.layout.activity_login); callbackmanager = callbackmanager.factory.create();

remember if facebook issue problem lies within dont waste time in searching other thing. put log in failure method in callback of facebook sdk.

post comment if still have problem


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