Are Uber webhook event ids unique across all user profiles? -

i storing uber webhook events in db there may cases same event fired twice different scopes, mentioned here : . handling multiple user profiles, , want know if events unique across users. if not, need store both event id , user event generated in db model.

the event id should practically unique across space , time uuid - universally unique identifier generated using version 4 (random) of rfc 4122 variant specification.

  "event_id": "3a3f3da4-14ac-4056-bbf2-d0b9cdcb0777" 

version 4 uuids have form xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx x hexadecimal digit , y 1 of 8, 9, a, or b

the version 4 uuid meant generating uuids truly-random or pseudo-random numbers.

which depending on quality of generated cryptographic random numbers / if sufficient entropy feed generator, resulting event id should more or less globally unique. (less/more chance of hash collision)


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