Why can't I reference the attr `android:popupEnterTransition`? -

starting api 23, default spinner style has android:popupentertransition , android:popupexittransition set:

<style name="widget.material.spinner" parent="widget.spinner.dropdown">     [...]     <item name="popupentertransition">@transition/popup_window_enter</item>     <item name="popupexittransition">@transition/popup_window_exit</item>     [...] </style> 

i'm trying override these in sub-style, won't compile (even though i'm compiling against api 23):

<style name="spinner" parent="@android:style/widget.material.spinner">     <item name="android:popupentertransition">@null</item> </style> 

i'm getting error: no resource found matches given name: attr 'android:popupentertransition'.

why not available? it's right there in framework attrs.xml.

was left out mistake? can't imagine why intended private.

popupentertransition, despite being in framework attributes, not in android sdk's list of attributes, therefore making private attribute cannot set in app.


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