Why code of apache(the library 6.0 removed) can also run on Android M phones without measures? -

a strange thing found:

i have project used apache library(like org.apache.http.client.methods...,which removed in android m).i compile in sdk 5.0 , runs success on nexus 5(run in android m).

i confirm there no code "uselibrary 'org.apache.http.legacy'" in project.

i decompile app,can not find apache codes in dex file...

my ide:android studio 1.5.1 gradle plugin version:1.5.0 gradle version:2.12

it strange:the project can not build in sdk 6.0,but can run on phone of android m out "'uselibrary 'org.apache.http.legacy'".

my first question in stackoverflow , weak in english,thanks reading!

apache library removed in api level 23 if compilesdkversion 23 won't find if compilesdkversion 22 or below find it.. doesn't matter if you're running app on android marshmallow or gingerbread!


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