How to add new custom font icons in ionic2 -

im beginner in using ionic2 , im having hard time in adding new custom font icons. can me? or send link of tutorial follow? of in researching can see tutorials ionic 1 using gulp. there other easy way ionic2? have generated font icons icomoon. thanks! appreciate it

you can add icomoon icons following below steps

  • copy icomoon style.css file www/build/css folder.
  • copy icomoon fonts files (.eot, .svg, .ttf, .woff) www/build/fonts folder.
  • open style.css file , edit url path correct font path. (may have include ../fonts match fonts directory). use double-quotes instead of single-quotes in url , format.
  • open index.html file , include

         <link href="build/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet"> 
  • open html file , include icon @ required place as

          <span class="icon-quill"></span> 


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