javascript - Bootstrap Formwizard - Prevent to scroll to next step if each page form submitting ajax response gets error -

i using twitter bootstrap form wizard submit data on each page validation. want prevent, scroll next step if ajax response gets error while submitting data. below code,

'onnext': function(tab,navigation,index){     //scrollto('#wizard',-100);     if(index == 1){         var $valid = $('#register_form').valid();         if(!$valid){             $validator.focusinvalid();             return false;         }         else         {             var options = $('form[name=register_form]').find('input, textarea, select').filter('.fw1').serialize();             var data = options + '&step=1';             $.ajax({                 type: 'post',                 url: 'employeeentryprocess.php',                 data: data,                 success: function(data){           ;                 },                 error: function(){                     return false;                 }             });         }     } }, 


the way return false doesn't scroll next step automatically, , manually scrolling next step in success function of ajax request (so proceed if successful). may want put animation duration of ajax request otherwise nothing happening.


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