android layout landscape/portrait with different options -

is there way directly tell android layout resource choose landscape or portrait mode?

i know it's simple, put normal "main_layout.xml" in "res/layout" folder , landscape "main_layout.xml" in "res/layout-land" folder.

now assume have 2 layouts called "main_layout_blue.xml" , "main_layout_red.xml". user can choose 1 of them , can set appropriate layout. on orientation change again fine.

where stuck giving user option set different layouts different orienations "main_layout_blue.xml" portrait mode , "main_layout_red.xml" landscape mode.

is there android option explicitly tell system use "res/layout/main_layout_blue.xml" portrait orientation , "res/layout-land/main_layout_red.xml" landscape orientation? missing here?

after orientation change, view recreated can check orientation of device following:


and based on result can:

   if(portrait)       setcontentview(    else       setcontentview( 

but keep in mind put of resources in /layout folder


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