javascript - My list becomes crazy after sorting -
i'm creating list editor using angular , jquery ui. goal add/edit/remove/sort items.
here's html code display list.
<ul id="sortable" > <li ng-repeat="cat in admin.catalogues"> <label for="title">title</label> <input type="text" name="title" ng-model="cat.title" /> <label for="image">image</label><input type="text" name="image" ng-model="cat.image" istype="image" /> <button ng-click="admin.removecatalogue(cat)">remove</button> </li> </ul>
then have these angular methods (i have copied should useful).
this.catalogues = []; this.addcatalogue = function () { var newcat = { title: "", image: "", pdf: "" }; this.catalogues.push(newcat); }; this.removecatalogue = function (item) { this.catalogues.splice(this.catalogues.indexof(item), 1); }; this.sort = function(fromindex, toindex){ var element = this.catalogues[fromindex]; this.catalogues.splice(fromindex, 1); this.catalogues.splice(toindex, 0, element); };
and jquery script sortable part - works using jquery ui, , call angular controller update list. have found snippet somewhere on stackoverflow.
$(document).ready(function(){ startindex = -1; newindex = -1; $('#sortable').sortable({ placeholder:'placeholder', start: function (event, ui) { startindex = ($(ui.item).index()); }, stop: function(event, ui){ newindex = ($(ui.item).index()); angular.element(document.getelementbyid('content')).controller().sort(startindex, newindex); } }); });
adding items, removing , sorting working fine. after sorting, list becomes crazy. new items added more or less randomly inside list, , remove button removes more 1 item.
i have created fiddle testing:
thanks help!
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