latex - How to write footnote citation in beamer in one line? -

i using beamer latex , need give reference in footnote. reference 2 lines. when write following code writes in more lines!!!

\begin{frame}  \frametitle{r: literature review}  \setbeamerfont{footnote}{size=\tiny}   huo et al. \footfullcite{huo, et al. ``computerized ...''} \end{frame} 

the output this:

guo, et al. ”prediction of clinical phenotypes in invasive breast carcinomas integration of radiomics , genomics data.” no. 4 (2015): 041007-041007.. 

do know how can in 2 lines?

thanks , regards.

a little trick: not use comma after 'guo' (or 'huo')!

\footfullcite{huo et al. ``computerized ...''} 


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