How to compare a array with another array stdclassobject and access it key in php codeigniter -

i using php codeigniter. when did print_r, got following:

array ( [0] => stdclass object     (         [username] => fun         [usercode] => 6         [groupcode] => 1         [groupname] => master         [menucode] => 0         [menuname] =>          [admin] => 0     )  [1] => stdclass object     (         [username] => fun         [usercode] => 6         [groupcode] => 1         [groupname] => master         [menucode] => 1         [menuname] => item master         [admin] => 0     )  ) 

in hands have set of array,

array (   [0] => billing report   [1] => waiterwise report   [2] => admin   [3] => user master   [4] => user rights   [5] => close session   [6] => close day ) 

now want compare group name in above 2 array , want key result.


$result_array = array(); foreach($codeigniter_array $k=>$r) {     foreach($r $k1=>$r1)     {         if(in_array($r1, $group_array))         {             $result_array[$k1] =$r1;         }     } } print_r($result_array);die; 


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