android - Class must either be declared abstract or implement abstract method? -

it loos i'm doing right here must missing something. hoping explanation why i'm getting error in first line of code , should fix type of problem? i'm new android dev.

public class page2 extends appcompatactivity implements onclicklistener {   /**  * attention: auto-generated implement app indexing api.  * see more information.  */ private googleapiclient client;  imagebutton rock, scissors, paper; random randomnum = new random(); int cpumov;   @override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) {     super.oncreate(savedinstancestate);     setcontentview(r.layout.activitypage2); //set xml page style display      rock = (imagebutton) findviewbyid(;     scissors = (imagebutton) findviewbyid(;     paper = (imagebutton) findviewbyid(;      rock.setonclicklistener(new onclicklistener() { // calling onclick() method         @override         //method handling happens when click rock buttonimage.         public void onclick(view v) {              // number between 1-3 inclusive (max-min+1)+1             cpumov = randomnum.nextint(3 - 1 + 1) + 1;             buildalert(cpumov, "imagebuttonrock");             moveviewtoscreencenter(v);//float center         }     });      scissors.setonclicklistener(new onclicklistener() {         @override         public void onclick(view v) {              // number between 1-3 inclusive (max-min+1)+1             cpumov = randomnum.nextint(3 - 1 + 1) + 1;             buildalert(cpumov, "imagebuttonscissors");             moveviewtoscreencenter(v);//float center         }     });      paper.setonclicklistener(new onclicklistener() {         @override         public void onclick(view v) {              // number between 1-3 inclusive (max-min+1)+1             cpumov = randomnum.nextint(3 - 1 + 1) + 1;             buildalert(cpumov, "imagebuttonpaper");             moveviewtoscreencenter(v);//float center         }     });  } //eooncreate  private void moveviewtoscreencenter( view view ) {     relativelayout root = (relativelayout) findviewbyid( );     displaymetrics dm = new displaymetrics();     this.getwindowmanager().getdefaultdisplay().getmetrics( dm );     int statusbaroffset = dm.heightpixels - root.getmeasuredheight();      int originalpos[] = new int[2];     view.getlocationonscreen( originalpos );      int xdest = dm.widthpixels/2;     xdest -= (view.getmeasuredwidth()/2);     int ydest = dm.heightpixels/2 - (view.getmeasuredheight()/2) - statusbaroffset;      translateanimation anim = new translateanimation( 0, xdest - originalpos[0] , 0, ydest - originalpos[1] );     anim.setduration(5000); // speed of movement     anim.setfillafter( true );     view.startanimation(anim); }  //builds message displayed void appendmessage(alertdialog.builder myalert, string cpumove, string result) {     myalert.setmessage("computer selects " +cpumove+ ", " +result+ "!");;     myalert.setcancelable(true);     //how give id alertdialog save in strings.xml  }  public void buildalert(int move, string btnpressed) {     alertdialog.builder myalert = new alertdialog.builder(this);     string cpumove;     string result;     if (btnpressed.equals("imagebuttonrock")) {         //toast.maketext(this, "hooray "+move, toast.length_short).show();         if (move == 1) {             cpumove = "rock";             result = "tied";             //call appendmessage append vars , display message             appendmessage(myalert, cpumove, result);         }         if (move == 2) {             cpumove = "scissors";             result = "won";             //call appendmessage append vars , display message             appendmessage(myalert,cpumove,result);         }         if (move == 3) {             cpumove = "paper";             result = "lost";             //call appendmessage append vars , display message             appendmessage(myalert,cpumove,result);         }     } else if (btnpressed.equals("imagebuttonscissors")) {         if (move == 1) {             cpumove = "rock";             result = "lost";             //call appendmessage append vars , display message             appendmessage(myalert,cpumove,result);         }         if (move == 2) {             cpumove = "scissors";             result = "tied";             //call appendmessage append vars , display message             appendmessage(myalert, cpumove, result);         }         if (move == 3) {             cpumove = "paper";             result = "won";             //call appendmessage append vars , display message             appendmessage(myalert,cpumove,result);         }     } else { //imagebutton scissors         if (move == 1) {             cpumove = "rock";             result = "won";             //call appendmessage append vars , display message             appendmessage(myalert,cpumove,result);         }         if (move == 2) {             cpumove = "scissors";             result = "lost";             //call appendmessage append vars , display message             appendmessage(myalert,cpumove,result);         }         if (move == 3) {             cpumove = "paper";             result = "tied";             //call appendmessage append vars , display message             appendmessage(myalert,cpumove,result);         }     } }  @override public void onstart() {     super.onstart();      // attention: auto-generated implement app indexing api.     // see more information.     client.connect();     action viewaction = action.newaction(             action.type_view, // todo: choose action type.             "page2 page", // todo: define title content shown.             // todo: if have web page content matches app activity's content,             // make sure auto-generated web page url correct.             // otherwise, set url null.             uri.parse("http://host/path"),             // todo: make sure auto-generated app deep link uri correct.             uri.parse("android-app://rps.rsp/http/host/path")     );     appindex.appindexapi.start(client, viewaction); }  @override public void onstop() {     super.onstop();      // attention: auto-generated implement app indexing api.     // see more information.     action viewaction = action.newaction(             action.type_view, // todo: choose action type.             "page2 page", // todo: define title content shown.             // todo: if have web page content matches app activity's content,             // make sure auto-generated web page url correct.             // otherwise, set url null.             uri.parse("http://host/path"),             // todo: make sure auto-generated app deep link uri correct.             uri.parse("android-app://rps.rsp/http/host/path")     );     appindex.appindexapi.end(client, viewaction);     client.disconnect(); } 


i know view.onclicklistener must implement function onclick(). not doing that?

you need implement unimplemented methods interface you're implementing. in case interface onclicklistener , needs have method:

public abstract void onclick (view v)

either remove interface or implement method. can placing cursor on onclicklistener , pressing alt+enter if you're using android studio , it'll give options on how fix error.

as can see in code, you've given buttons proper onclicklisteners solution might delete implements onclicklistener since you're not using it.


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