coreos - What is the difference between docker images and docker search commands? -

on coreos (899.15.0) machine, when execute docker search , images following results :

docker search private-registry:5000/

name      description   stars     official   automated 

docker images on private registry machine:

repository                                                      tag                 image id                                                           created             virtual size nginx                                                           latest              e32087da8ee6dfa45221c48670fa9475f3d8a53a0e9ccabef4f741c62c77d49b   2 weeks ago         182.6 mb registry                                                        0.9.1               facc02b3acf6f811e8eace6d07b34cd5ab687e926ac5b5231da93264b259f1a4   12 weeks ago        422.8 mb <none>                                                          <none>              db81ebdc7ebd3d7aec05d4faa6f4c9c2e35954896e968bce2f90a9736485aa06   3 months ago        422.8 mb  ...and few more images 

the reference docker search mentions looks on docker hub, since specifying specific registry here, suppose looking in private repository.

i not sure difference between these 2 commands here , why difference in results.

you supposing wrongly. docker search searches docker hub, not private registries. docker images command lists images on machine (locally built or pulled registries).

if want search or list images in private registry, need use registry api so:


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