reporting services - OLEDB provider for linked server reported change of schema version between compile time and run time for table error -

i trying run report giving message:

an error has occurred during report processing. (rsprocessingaborted) query execution failed dataset 'paramyear'. (rserrorexecutingcommand) more information error navigate report server on local server machine, or enable remote errors  

i checked in visual studio , error:

    oledb provider linked server sql10 reported change of schema version between  compile time("182424452472301") , run time ("182454520418731")  table dbo.stud 


select distinct funding_type            destinations_1415_1516_union        (year in (@year)) , (ageband in (@ageband)) , (completion_status in (2, 3)) 

kindly let me know how resolve this

i ran dbcc freeproccache command in ssms , re-ran report. works fine now....


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