mysql - i have tow table which contain on same column like UserID. How to get all row by subquery -

i have tow table contain on same column userid

 1. employee  -------------------------------------------------------- id     userid       name         description 1      username1    fullname1   employee description1 2      username2    fullname2   employee description2 --------------------------------------------------------  2. user_info -------------------------------------------------------- id     userid       password 1      username1     password1 2      username2     password2  -------------------------------------------------------- 

i have user_info data. want employee table row according user_info data "subquery" want use subquery syntax

i don't know why want subquery, try this, maybe works;)

select e.* employee e exists (     select 1 user_info u     e.userid = u.userid ) -- maybe conditions else need, can add 

or can try this,

select e.* employee e e.userid in (     select u.useid user_info u ) 

anyway, perhaps other solution exists...


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