unit testing - angularjs - $httpbackend error: Unexpected request -

i know there plenty of questions this, none of worked me , don't know what's going on , why don't work on specific case.

i'm trying test controller using $httpbackend.


unexpected request: default-system.json

no more request expected

the controller i'm trying test loads data using load() method of factory:

angular.module('services', ['ngresource']).factory('mydata', [   '$http', '$stateparams', function($http, $stateparams) {     var mydata;     mydata= function(data) {       if (data) {         return this.setdata(data);       }     };     mydata.prototype = {       setdata: function(data) {         return angular.extend(this, data);       },       load: function() {         var scope;         scope = this;         return $http.get('default-system.json').success(function(data) {           return scope.setdata(data.data);         }).error(function(err) {           return console.error(err);         });       },       filtered: function() {         var scope;         scope = this;         return $http.get('default-system.json').success(function(data) {           return angular.foreach(data.data, function(item) {             var urlzoneid;             urlzoneid = parseint($stateparams.zoneid);             if (item.iid === urlzoneid) {               return scope.setdata(item);             }           });         });       }     };     return mydata;   } ]) 

this controller i'm trying test:

angular.module('menucontroller', ['services']).controller('menu', [   '$scope', 'mydata', function($scope, mydata) {     $scope.test= new mydata();     $scope.test.load();   } ]); 

and unit test:

describe('controller: menu', function() {   var $controller, $rootscope, mydata, httpbackend, mockedrequest;    mockedrequest = {    "error": 0,    "ts": 1456151050,    "tm": "2016-02-22t14:24:10+0000",    "data": [{....},{....}]   ]};    beforeeach(module('app'));    beforeeach(inject(function(_$rootscope_, _$controller_) {     $rootscope = _$rootscope_;     return $controller = _$controller_('menu', {       $scope: $rootscope     });   }));    beforeeach(inject((function($httpbackend, _mydata_) {     mydata = _mydata_.prototype;     return httpbackend = $httpbackend;   })));    aftereach(function() {     httpbackend.flush();     httpbackend.verifynooutstandingexpectation(false);     return httpbackend.verifynooutstandingrequest();   });    return it('should check controller injected correctly', function() {     httpbackend.expectget('default-system.json').respond(mockedrequest);     return mydata.load().then(function(result) {       return console.log(result);     });   }); }); 

but error mentioned above. ideas?

i'm stuck , can't figure out why not working.

thanks in advance help


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