c# - How to specify dependencies on other projects with .NET CLI? -

it common break large solution multiple projects question of organization of code base , done in earlier versions of .net framework inside visual studio.

how same can done .net cli? suppose have following simplified scenario example:

- solution folder     - global.json     - src         - libproject         - consoleproject 

suppose consoleproject depends on libproject. intuitively belive means in consoleproject project.json have contain dependencies section this:

"dependencies": {     "microsoft.netcore.app": {         "type": "platform",         "version": "1.0.0-*"     },     "libproject": "1.0.0-*" } 

but if this, when try restore dependencies consoleproject or when try build can't it. when try restore message

unable resolve 'libproject (>= 1.0.0)' '.netcoreapp,version=v1.0'.

i understand reason. when restoring, nuget trying find package on specified feeds on nuget.config. shouldn't this, should use 1 on sibling folder.

in previous versions of .net core, add reference through vs , then, if try build consoleproject, vs first build libproject , use corresponding dll.

how same kind of thing done here? how reference project in same solution , how restore/build/run .net cli considering kind of dependency?

after define projects solution have on global.json file can reference them on project.json name without specific version.



{     "projects":[         "consoleproject",         "libproject"     ] } 


{     "dependencies":{         "libproject":"",     } } 

you can find better example in here: http://forums.dotnetfoundation.org/t/referencing-another-project-in-net-core/1298/2

or in repository: https://github.com/cartermp/dnx-apps/tree/master/multiple-projects


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