c - Return an array of files -

i trying create function returns array of files couldn't find way access array outside of function. here's tried:

file* *arquivoescrita(int k) //gerar nome de arquivo {   char filename[sizeof("file1000000000000.txt")];   static file* arquivos[2];   (int = k; < k+2; ++i)   {    sprintf(filename, "file%d.txt", i);    arquivos[i] = fopen(filename,"r");   }   return arquivos;  } 

and i'm calling function inside main this:

file* psaidas[2]; psaidas = arquivoescrita(0); 

and error

error: array type 'file *[2]' not assignable psaidas = arquivoescrita(0); 

how can access kind of array?

there 1 issue in returning file ** array of open file stream, need know how many open. have couple of choices, (1) pass pointer function , update pointer reflect number of files opened, or (2) makes more sense, pass file * array parameter function , return number of files opened use index in calling function. (you check stream before attempting read it)

for example, if declared file pointer array file *fparray[maxf] = {null}; in main, pass parameter filled in function. e.g.

nfiles = openmulti (fparray, 0, maxf); 

your function take array, other type of array, , fill elements open and validated file * elements:

int openmulti (file **fp, size_t k, size_t n) {     char fname[maxfn] = "";     size_t i, idx = 0;      (i = k; < n; i++) {         sprintf (fname, "file%zu.txt", i);         fp[idx] = fopen (fname, "r");         if (!fp[idx])              continue;         idx++;     }      return (int)idx; } 

(the beginning number file#.txt passed k , number of files open passed n)

a short example opening file0.txt , file1.txt in function reading in calling function be:

#include <stdio.h>  enum { maxf = 2, maxfn = 256 };  int openmulti (file **fp, size_t k, size_t n);  int main (void) {      file *fparray[maxf] = {null};     size_t i, nfiles;      nfiles = openmulti (fparray, 0, maxf);  /* populate array */      if (nfiles < maxf)       /* validate number of open files */         fprintf (stderr, "warning: '%zu' of %d files open.\n",                  nfiles, maxf);      (i = 0; < nfiles; i++) {  /* read/output file contents */         printf ("\ncontents of 'farray[%zu]'\n\n", i);         char buf[maxfn] = "";         while (fgets (buf, maxfn, fparray[i]))             printf ("%s", buf);         fclose (fparray[i]);        /* close file after reading */     }      return 0; }  int openmulti (file **fp, size_t k, size_t n) {     char fname[maxfn] = "";     size_t i, idx = 0;      (i = k; < n; i++) {         sprintf (fname, "file%zu.txt", i);         fp[idx] = fopen (fname, "r");         if (!fp[idx])              continue;         idx++;     }      return (int)idx; } 

example input files

$ cat file0.txt 1. 2.  hello -- file0.txt 3.  $ cat file1.txt 1. 2.  hello -- file1.txt 3. 

example use/output

$ ./bin/filemultiopen  contents of 'farray[0]'  1. 2.  hello -- file0.txt 3.  contents of 'farray[1]'  1. 2.  hello -- file1.txt 3. 

unless there critical need return file **, seems make things bit more straight forward pass array function , return number of files opened. both ways possible, whatever fits needs.

let me know if have additional questions.


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