How do i authenticate facebook login with IOS using node.js + Passport -

currently want authenticate user using facebook on ios platform. want use node.js custom authentication, make more flexible. theory right use node.js , passport-facebook via token, questions right now

1) need use facebook ios sdk node.js /passport? or serve via node.js/passport

2) if user installed facebook on iphone, how access token?

this first time on creating iphone app + facebook login, advice highly appreciated. project i'm working on right now

thank you

you can authenticate user on phone ios sdk. way user native "login facebook" flow , application hold of facebook token. take token, pass node backend (together email address of user), , can use passport/nodejs verify token belongs email address. if so, user authenticated , can store token email (and other user related custom data) in node node application use later on , fetch existing user in node application when log in again. rest of authentication can use jwt (json web token),, secure backend , know user sent request.


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