java - Use of Akka Framework in a non-concurrent environment -

i building web service in java. business logic has no concurrency requirements. simple rest call input json expected , after processing output json thrown back. request can in millions planning bring in load balancer.

my question have read few articles using akka make development faster , give performance boost well. true in case of application has no concurrency requirement?

thanks in advance.

even without concurrency requirements, akka great framework use. can use actors encapsulate single responsibilities, send them messages react on , respond message.

this has benefit can model errors inside domain, means, sending message error sender, can decide how deal it, e.g. retrying n times. exception modelling akka.

even better, whenever actor fails exception, parent actor can decide, do, e.g. restart actor, propagate error higher in hierarchy etc.

so in conclusion, akka helps develop solid reactive domain based on messages. makes easy make concurrent later, or pass messages other actors well, when logic changes.


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