javascript - C# Reading text or source code from tab in a browser - need an idea -

i want make small application read title current opened youtube video firefox or chrome browser , save in .txt file on computer.

i need idea on how accomplish this. somehow possible access tabs opened in firefox or chrome via c#?

do understand me? want somehow parse data browser seleceted tab , save .txt file.

would have use greasemonkey scripts this?

if tab active this

string browser = "firefox"; //or change chrome/iexplore  var browserproc = process.getprocessesbyname(browser)                          .where(b => b.mainwindowtitle.contains("youtube"))                          .firstordefault();  if (browserproc != null) {    string maintitle = browserproc.mainwindowtitle; } 

you can parse relevant parts of maintitle if need to.


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