sql - VB.net Checking if database exists before connecting to it -

i found following query in order find out if database table created or not:

if db_id('thedbname') not null    --code mine :)    print 'db exists' else    print 'nope' 

now wanting use same query within vb.net application. code have elsewhere connects database (that wanting see if there before doing this):

dim cn sqlconnection = new sqlconnection("data source=davidsdesktop;" & _                                             "initial catalog=thedbname;" & _                                             "integrated security=true;" & _                                             "pooling=false")      dim sql string = "if db_id('thedbname') not null " & vbcrlf & _                             "print() 'exists' " & vbcrlf & _                         "else " & vbcrlf & _                             "print() 'nope'"      dim cmd sqlcommand = new sqlcommand(sql, cn)      cmd.connection.open()     dim blah string = cmd.executenonquery()     cmd.connection.close() 

of course issue have know database name first in order connect database.

i seem able connect master database using this:

dim cn sqlconnection = new sqlconnection("data source=davidsdesktop;" & _                                             "integrated security=true;" & _                                             "pooling=false")      dim sql string = "if db_id('thedbname') not null " & vbcrlf & _                             "print() 'exists' " & vbcrlf & _                         "else " & vbcrlf & _                             "print() 'nope'"      dim cmd sqlcommand = new sqlcommand(sql, cn)      cmd.connection.open()     dim blah string = cmd.executenonquery()     cmd.connection.close() 

but query seems throw error on dim blah string = cmd.executenonquery() of:

additional information: incorrect syntax near ')'.

so i'm not sure missing in order correct issue query?

need know how have query come , 'exists' or 'nope'

change print() print (remove parentheses.)

better, don't use print @ all, use select.

dim sql string = "if db_id('thedbname') not null " & vbcrlf & _                         "select 'exists' " & vbcrlf & _                     "else " & vbcrlf & _                         "select 'nope'"  dim blah string = ctype(cmd.executescalar(), string) 

executenonquery returns number of affected rows updates , inserts. executing is query.

executescalar returns first column of first row selected. query above returns 1 row 1 value, that's return.


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