access denied to module after creating table in phpMyadmin - drupal 7 -

i developing drupal 7 module. have created table in drupal database module directly in phpmyadmin. have set te permissions module viewed authenticated users. module works fine when log in administrator. gives "access denied" when log in authenticated user.

anyone suggestions how can give authenticated users access? thanks!

probably, issue in menu hook. please check access argument.

it should this:

  $items['abc-url'] = array(     'title' => 'page abc',     'page callback' => 'page_abc',     'type' => menu_callback,     'access arguments' => array('access abc'),     'file' => '',   ); 

then need define it(in drupal 7 following):

function my_module_permission() {   return array(     'access abc' => array(       'title' => t('access abc'),       'description' => t('this provide permission abc.'),     ),   ); } 

then clear cache, go user permissions page & give authenticated user permission "access abc".

hope help.


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