Android Unit Testing / Mockito: android.location.Location not mocked -

i trying learn basic junit , mockito testing on android. i'm trying write unit tests simple class handles finding user's location location services on behalf of activities need location information.

i have been trying create "faked location" test with:

@test public void testlocationreceived() throws exception {     location fakelocation = new location(locationmanager.network_provider);     fakelocation.setlongitude(100);     fakelocation.setlatitude(-80);     ...   } 

but error:

java.lang.runtimeexception: method setlongitude in android.location.location not mocked. 

i understand unit tests on android run on jvm, don't have access requires operating system / framework, 1 of cases well?

  • if so, how tell classes can / can't used on jvm?
  • do need instrumentation/device tests in addition jvm-based unit tests test 1 class?

you should add following in build.gradle (app):

testoptions {         unittests.returndefaultvalues = true } 

more detail:


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