angularjs - Getting the error "Failed: Element is not currently visible and so may not be interacted with" -

while trying click element as:

element.all(by.repeater("condition in filterctrl.conditions")).get(1).click(); 

i getting error as:

failed: element not visible , may not interacted with".  

how can overcome this.

my css below

<div class="_md-select-menu-container _md-active _md-clickable" aria-hidden="false" id="select_container_198" style="display: block; left: 764px; top: 181px; min-width: 234.547px;"><md-select-menu class="ng-scope _md-overflow" style="transform-origin: 101.273px 72px 0px;"><md-content> <!-- ngrepeat: condition in filterctrl.conditions --><md-option ng-repeat="condition in filterctrl.conditions" value="contains" tabindex="0" class="ng-scope md-ink-ripple" aria-selected="false" role="option" id="select_option_257"><div class="_md-text ng-binding">contains</div></md-option><!-- end ngrepeat: condition in filterctrl.conditions -->option ng-repeat="condition in filterctrl.conditions" value="ends_with" tabindex="0" class="ng-scope md-ink-ripple" role="option" aria-selected="false" id="select_option_261"><div class="_md-text ng-binding">ends with</div></md-option><!-- end ngrepeat: condition in filterctrl.conditions --> </md-content></md-select-menu></div>" 

well error telling element isn't visible, that's why can't perform click. not sure how app setup, if it's angular or not etc. suggest trying 2 things:

1) if element loaded, try scroll view.

var scrollintoview = function () {     arguments[0].scrollintoview(); } browser.executescript(scrollintoview, yourwebelement); 


2) make sure element present , displayed on page. if change code expect statement , add.ispresent() or .isdisplayed() - return true? based on error guess ispresent() returns true, isdisplayed() returns false. if that's case try adding implicit wait function wait element load before trying click on it.


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