Azure ignores site config settings in ARM template -

i trying develop arm template deployment of multiple webapps, stuck trying configure webapp using settings available in microsoft.web/sites/config. whatever put in there, settings ignored when deploy webapp. i'm basing template on david ebbos example.

this trying @ moment:

// serverfarm (appservice) {     "apiversion": "2015-08-01",     "type": "microsoft.web/serverfarms",     "sku": {         "name": "b1",         "tier": "standard",         "size": "b1",         "family": "b",         "capacity": 1     },     "name": "[variables('appsvcname')]",     "location": "[resourcegroup().location]",     "tags": {         "project": "[[variables('webappname')]]"     },     "properties": {         "name": "[variables('appsvcname')]",         "numberofworkers": 1     } }, // site (webapp) {     "apiversion": "2015-08-01",     "type": "microsoft.web/sites",     "name": "[variables('webappname')]",     "location": "[resourcegroup().location]",     "tags": {         "project": "[[variables('webappname')]]"     },     "dependson": [         "[resourceid('microsoft.web/serverfarms', variables('appsvcname'))]"     ],     "properties": {         "serverfarmid": "[resourceid('microsoft.web/serverfarms', variables('appsvcname'))]",         "hostnames": [             "[concat(variables('webappname'), '')]"         ],         "enabledhostnames": [             "[concat(variables('webappname'), '')]",             "[concat(variables('webappname'), '')]"         ],         // todo : these resources ignored far         "resources": [             {                 "apiversion": "2015-08-01",                 "name": "web",                 "type": "microsoft.web/sites/config",                 "location": "[resourcegroup().location]",                 "dependson": [                     "[resourceid('microsoft.web/sites', variables('webappname'))]"                 ],                 "properties": {                     "phpversion": "",                     "netframeworkversion": "v4.6",                     "use32bitworkerprocess": false, /* 64-bit platform */                     "websocketsenabled": true,                     "alwayson": true,                     "requesttracingenabled": true, /* failed request tracing, aka 'freb' */                     "httploggingenabled": true, /* iis logs (aka web server logging) */                     "logsdirectorysizelimit": 40, /* 40 mb limit iis logs */                     "detailederrorloggingenabled": true, /* detailed error messages  */                     "remotedebuggingenabled": false,                     "remotedebuggingversion": "vs2015",                     "defaultdocuments": [                         "default.aspx",                         "default.htm",                         "default.html",                         "index.html",                         "hostingstart.html"                     ]                 }             },             {                 "apiversion": "2015-08-01",                 "name": "connectionstrings",                 "type": "microsoft.web/sites/config",                 "location": "[resourcegroup().location]",                 "dependson": [                     "[resourceid('microsoft.web/sites', variables('webappname'))]"                 ],                 "properties": {                     "umbracodbdsn": {                         "value": "[concat('data source=tcp:', reference(concat('microsoft.sql/servers/', variables('sqlservername'))).fullyqualifieddomainname, ',1433;initial catalog=', variables('sqldbname'), ';user id=', variables('appsvcname'), '@', variables('sqlservername'), ';password=e15co1ptir5dtq3zulwk;')]",                         "type": "sqlazure"                     }                 }             }         ]     } } 

one thing bit confused when run (get-azurermresourceprovider -providernamespace microsoft.web).resourcetypes in azure powershell console there no sites/config resourcetypename available.

what gives? have config resourcetype been removed template definitions? using wrong apiversion? have tried number of different combinations, no avail.

please see blog -

you need siteconfig object under of web/config.

{     "apiversion": "2015-08-01",     "name": "[parameters('websitename')]",     "type": "microsoft.web/sites",     "location": "[resourcegroup().location]",     "tags": {         "[concat('hidden-related:', resourcegroup().id, '/providers/microsoft.web/serverfarms/', parameters('hostingplanname'))]": "resource",         "displayname": "website"     },     "dependson": [         "[concat('microsoft.web/serverfarms/', parameters('hostingplanname'))]"     ],     "properties": {         "name": "[parameters('websitename')]",         "serverfarmid": "[resourceid('microsoft.web/serverfarms', parameters('hostingplanname'))]"     },     "resources": [         {             "apiversion": "2015-08-01",             "name": "web",             "type": "config",             "dependson": [                 "[concat('microsoft.web/sites/', parameters('websitename'))]"             ],             "properties": {                 "javaversion": "1.8",                 "javacontainer": "tomcat",                 "javacontainerversion": "8.0",                 "siteconfig": {                     "<supported-property>": "<value>",                 }             }         }     ] } 


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