c# - html actionLink parameters to view -

i'm noob in .net , web developpement :s i'm having issue using html.beginform , html.actionlink. got in homeweb.cshtml:

@using (html.beginform("resultweb", "result", new { val = 1 }, formmethod.post ))     {      <div class="main-block">             <input style="width:100%;" type="text" name="searchvalue" /><br />             <div style="text-align: center;">                 <input type="submit" value="submit" />             </div>       </div> } 

its calling result controller , resultweb view sending val = 1 parameter here resultcontroller.cs:

[httppost]         public actionresult resultweb(int val, formcollection collection)         {             list<website> list = new list<website>();             // doing stuff list , val             return view(list);         } 

this part working , sending parameter view. problem when try same thing html.actionlink on other page


<tr>     @for (int = 0; <= model.count / 15; i++)     {            int j = + 1;         <td>@html.actionlink(@j.tostring(), "resultweb", new { val = j })</td>     } </tr> 

and when click on 1 of links, doesn't work got error:

description: http 404. resource looking (or 1 of dependencies) have been removed, had name changed, or temporarily unavailable.  please review following url , make sure spelled correctly.   requested url: /result/resultweb/1 

i guess i'm doing wrong don't understand what. can me on ?

thanks !

actionlinks can't post form/data controller. create <a> tags. if want submit form actionlink, use @ajax.actionlinkhelper, or post form jquery alltogether.

also, question has been asked lots of times before on stackoverflow, here or here.


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