Is Netty Channel.close() thread safe? -

i have netty server, need close request channel in thread. thread safe this? if not, there workaround solve it? suggestion appreciated!

btw, i'm using netty-4.0.34 nioeventloopgroup.

    @override     public channelfuture close(final channelpromise promise) {     if (!validatepromise(promise, false)) {         // cancelled         return promise;     }      final abstractchannelhandlercontext next = findcontextoutbound();     eventexecutor executor = next.executor();     if (next.ishandleraddedcalled() && executor.ineventloop()) {         next.invokeclose(promise);     } else {         safeexecute(executor, new onetimetask() {             @override             public void run() {                 next.invokeclose(promise);             }         }, promise, null);     }      return promise; } 

if called in thread, io thread channel has stuck did closure, since 'executor.ineventloop()' false. interpretation true?

it thread safe, may trigger exceptions in pipeline , on client side if request in flight.


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