c# - combobox fill from another combobox selection? -

  protected sub rcmbdatabaselist_selectedindexchanged(sender object, e telerik.web.ui.radcomboboxselectedindexchangedeventargs) handles rcmbdatabaselist.selectedindexchanged                 try                     dim strdestinationconnstring string = "data source=.;initial catalog=" & rcmbdatabaselist.selectedvalue & ";persist security info=true;user id=sa;password=ssmits"                     viewstate("strsyncdestinationconnstring") = strdestinationconnstring                      call getdestinationtablelist()                 catch ex exception                  end try             end sub             protected sub rcmbtablelist_selectedindexchanged(sender object, e telerik.web.ui.radcomboboxselectedindexchangedeventargs) handles rcmbtablelist.selectedindexchanged                 try                     call getdestinationclmlist(rcmbtablelist.selectedvalue)                 catch ex exception                  end try             end sub 

above 2 event , below code function how fill in web.

auto post true. no error given when debug.


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