c - Shortest path with dynamic programming -
i don't want answer problem, need nudge in right direction.
given undirected graph
) vertices , positive weights. find shortest path vertex1
, or state such path doesn’t exist.hint: @ each step, among vertices weren’t yet checked , path vertex
found, take 1 has shortest path, vertex1
it, yet found.
first have define state. said:
the state solution vertex
,i <= n
. smaller state solutionj
. find statei
, need find smaller statesj
). having found shortest pathi
, can find next state - solutioni+1
i took different problem , replaced variable names , words because sounded applicable one.
i have write program solution, don't know how start. here questions:
is definition of state correct?
moreover, since undirected graph, , each vertex bidirectional, weights passed in multidimensional array (i.e
int w[n][2]
weight of 1 vertex ,w[n][1]
weight of other?how represent shortest path? number of paths taken, sum of weights of paths taken, or array of weights of paths taken?
have considered all-pairs shortest paths algorithms? floyd-warshall algorithm example sounds possible solution problem.
floyd-warshall algorithm dynamic programing algorithm. floyd-warshal algorithm supports directed graphs hence undirected.
floyd-warshall has time complexity of Θ(|v|^3) , space complexity of Θ(|v|^2)
wikipedia link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/floyd%e2%80%93warshall_algorithm
c implementation http://www.c-program-example.com/2011/10/c-program-to-implement-warshalls.html
finding path can left exercise link has example of how done need translate c. can find under matrix of predecessors http://www.programming-algorithms.net/article/45708/floyd-warshall-algorithm
this seems nice visual representation of algorithm https://www.cs.usfca.edu/~galles/visualization/floyd.html
another approach bellman ford algorithm. not pairs shortest path, instead computes shortest path single point other vertices.
bellman-ford algorithm dynamic programing algorithm. bellman-ford algorithm supports weighted directed graphs hence undirected.
bellman-ford has time complexity of Θ(|v||e|) , space complexity of Θ(|v|)
wikipedia link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/bellman%e2%80%93ford_algorithm
c implementation http://www.cs.dartmouth.edu/~cs57/project/bellman-ford.c
in case (assuming space complexity not issue here) choosing between 2 depend on number of vertices compared number of edges. if |e| greater (|v|^2) should go warshall-floyd otherwise if (|v|^2) greater |e| should go bellman-ford.
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