c# - VIsual Web Developer Radio Button - Update Live -

i trying develop form/website using microsoft visual web developer 2010 express.

in first section group of radio buttons control subject line field. have been able add radiobuttoncheckedcontrol attribute set subject line work if page refreshed. there command live update form?

in ascx file there following:

<asp:radiobutton id="radiouniform" runat="server" text="uniform infringement" groupname="reason" oncheckedchanged="radiouniform_checkedchanged" />

and in ascx.cs file there following: protected void radiouniform_checkedchanged(object sender, eventargs e) { commentsubject.text = "uniform infringement";

so after couple of quick google searches (as i've done previous nights) found solution. after oncheckedchanged part of radio button code, add autopostback="true".


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