c++ - "Proper way" to add a folder to the include path in XCode 4 -

i know there way add "search path" in xcode settings specific project.

enter image description here

(* know this)

but i'm interested know "proper" way permanently add include folder xcode.

what did add <eigen> /usr/include. code goes:

#include </usr/include/eigen/eigen> // works ok 

but should like

#include <eigen/eigen> // not work 

but xcode not seem consider /usr/include part of build path. indeed, gets header files (including ones <stdio.h>) path


wow, sweet path.

i'm not sure want fiddle /applications/xcode.app/contents/developer/platforms/macosx.platform/developer/sdks/macosx10.8.sdk/usr/include, @ same time, don't want modify xcode project settings each time want #include <eigen/eigen>.

what recommended way add folder xcode's include path, works for every new project automatically?

go info window (cmd + i) select build tab add directories you'd include under "search header paths"

you'd have every project want include eigen think recommended way things. keep in 1 place , have projects use reference location


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