NHibernate.Spatial.MySQL: Null geometries and "No persister for: GeoAPI.Geometries.IGeometry" error -

i attempting create simple demo solution using nhibernate.spatial.mysql (version solution available here: https://github.com/andrerav/nhibernate.spatial.mysql.demo

the mapping seems work @ least inserts -- demodataimport project able read geojson files, , insert geometries database, , can verify results using mysql workbench.

however, if query data, geometries show null values. furthermore, if perform query such this:

var municipalities = sessionmanager.session.query<municipality>()                         .where(m => m.area.within(county.area)).tolist(); 

i exception says "no persister for: geoapi.geometries.igeometry".

any ideas wrong?

to run solution, first create mysql database (mysql 5.7 or newer) called mysqldemo username/password mysqldemo/mysqldemo. demodataimport project dump geojson data database, , demoqueryutil project can used execute queries.


public class municipality {     public virtual int id { get; set; }     public virtual county county { get; set; }     public virtual string name { get; set; }     public virtual int municipalityno { get; set; }     public virtual igeometry area { get; set; } }  public class municipalitymap : classmap<municipality> {     public municipalitymap()     {         importtype<igeometry>();         id(x => x.id);         map(x => x.name);         map(x => x.municipalityno);         map(x => x.area).customtype<mysqlgeometrytype>();         references(x => x.county).nullable();     } }  public class county {     public virtual int id { get; set; }     public virtual string name { get; set; }     public virtual int countyno { get; set; }     public virtual igeometry area { get; set; }     public virtual list<municipality> municipalities { get; set; }  }  public class countymap : classmap<county> {     public countymap()     {         importtype<igeometry>();         id(x => x.id);         map(x => x.name);         map(x => x.countyno);         map(x => x.area).customtype<mysqlgeometrytype>();     } } 


    public static void configure(bool generatetables = false)     {         var cfg = fluently.configure()             .database(fluentnhibernate.cfg.db.mysqlconfiguration.standard             .connectionstring(c => c.fromconnectionstringwithkey("mysql"))             .driver<mysqldatadriver>()             .showsql()             .dialect<mysqlspatialdialect>())             .mappings(x => x.fluentmappings.addfromassemblyof<municipalitymap>())             .buildconfiguration();          cfg.addauxiliarydatabaseobject(new spatialauxiliarydatabaseobject(cfg));          if (generatetables)         {             var exporter = new schemaexport(cfg);             exporter.drop(false, true);             exporter.create(true, true);         }          sessionmanager.sessionfactory = cfg.buildsessionfactory();      } 

example query:

var county = sessionmanager.session.query<county>().first(); 

this problem due lack of support mysql 5.7 in nhibernate.spatial.mysql. have added new mysql57spatialdialect in prerelease version of nhibernate.spatial.mysql, fixes problem.


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