symfony - Symfony2, FOSUserBundle, authentication with cookies disabled -

how can authentication in symfony2 without cookies in brouser? how can generate or or other url available sessionid parameter. thank help.

you have to 2 things. first must extend session storage session query param.

namespace elao\backbundle\session; use symfony\component\dependencyinjection\containerinterface; use symfony\component\httpfoundation\session\storage\nativefilesessionstorage;  class storage extends nativesessionstorage {     public function __construct($savepath = null, array $options = array(), containerinterface $container)     {         $request = $container->get('request');         if ($request->query->has('sessionid')) {             $request->cookies->set(session_name(), 1);    // have simulate cookie, in order bypass "hasprevioussession" security check             session_id($request->query->get('sessionid'));         }         return parent::__construct($savepath, $options);     } } 


the next point, should replacing urlgenerator generate every url session id param. example this, can found in this answer.

but nifr in comment said, it's not clean requirement.


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