c++ - Helpt with error C2259: cannot instantiate abstract class -

i trying write program homework, , wasn't throwing c2259 error until added createlist function. can't figure out problem originating from. new @ c++ might easy fix, lost.

here main function:

#include <iostream> #include "binarysearchtree.h" #include "orderedlinkedlist.h"  using namespace std;  int main() {     bsearchtreetype<int>  treeroot; //error c2259: 'bsearchtreetype<int>'     //cannot instantiate abstract class      orderedlinkedlist<int> newlist;      int num;      cout << "enter numbers ending -999" << endl;     cin >> num;      while (num != -999)     {         treeroot.insert(num);         cin >> num;     }      cout << endl << "tree nodes in inorder: ";     treeroot.inordertraversal();     cout << endl;     cout << "tree height: " << treeroot.treeheight()         << endl;     treeroot.createlist(newlist);      cout << "newlist: ";     newlist.print();      cout << endl;     system("pause");      return 0; } 

here binarysearchtree.h:

//header file binary search tree  #ifndef h_binarysearchtree #define h_binarysearchtree #include <iostream> #include"binarytree.h"  using namespace std;  template<class elemtype> class bsearchtreetype : public binarytreetype < elemtype > { public:     //function determine if searchitem in search tree     bool search(const elemtype& searchitem) const;     void insert(const elemtype& insertitem);     void deletenode(const elemtype& deleteitem);      //update: void createlist(const elemtype& createitem);     virtual void createlist(const elemtype& newlist) = 0;     private:     void deletefromtree(nodetype<elemtype> *&p); };  template<class elemtype> void bsearchtreetype<elemtype>::createlist(const elemtype& createitem) {     nodetype<elemtype> *current;     nodetype<elemtype> *trailcurrent;     nodetype<elemtype> *newnode;      newnode = new nodetype < elemtype > ;     newnode->info = createitem;     newnode->llink = nullptr;     newnode->rlink = nullptr;      if (root == nullptr)     {         root = newnode;     } }  template<class elemtype> bool bsearchtreetype<elemtype>::search(const elemtype& searchitem)const {     nodetype<elemtype> *current;     bool found = false;      if (root == null)     {         cout << "cannot search empty tree." << endl;     }     else     {         current = root;         while (current != null && !found)         {             if (current->info == searchitem)             {                 found = true;             }             else if (current->info > searchitem)             {                 current = current->llink;             }             else             {                 current = current->rlink;             }         }     }     return found; }  template<class elemtype> void bsearchtreetype<elemtype>::insert(const elemtype& insertitem) {     nodetype<elemtype> *current;     nodetype<elemtype> *trailcurrent;     nodetype<elemtype> *newnode;      newnode = new nodetype < elemtype > ;     newnode->info = insertitem;     newnode->llink = null;     newnode->rlink = null;      if (root == null)     {         root = newnode;     }     else     {         current = root;         while (current != null)         {             trailcurrent = current;             if (current->info == insertitem)             {                 cout << "the item inserted in tree";                 cout << "duplicates not allowed." << endl;                 return;             }             else if (current->info > insertitem)             {                 current = current->llink;             }             else             {                 current = current->rlink;             }         }         if (trailcurrent->info > insertitem)         {             trailcurrent->llink = newnode;         }         else         {             trailcurrent->rlink = newnode;         }     } }  template<class elemtype> void bsearchtreetype<elemtype>::deletenode(const elemtype& deleteitem) {     nodetype<elemtype> *current;     nodetype<elemtype> *trailcurrent;     bool found = false;      if (root == null)     {         cout << "cannot delete empty tree." << endl;     }     else     {         current = root;         trailcurrent = root;          while (current != null && !found)         {             if (current->info == deleteitem)             {                 found = true;             }             else             {                 trailcurrent = current;                  if (current->info > deleteitem)                 {                     current = current->llink;                 }                 else                 {                     current = current->rlink;                 }             }         }         if (current == null)         {             cout << "the item deleted not in tree." << endl;         }         else if (found)         {             if (current == root)             {                 deletefromtree(root);             }             else if (trailcurrent->info > deleteitem)             {                 deletefromtree(trailcurrent->llink);             }             else             {                 deletefromtree(trailcurrent->rlink);             }         }         else         {             cout << "the item deleted not in tree." << endl;         }     } }  template<class elemtype> void bsearchtreetype<elemtype>::deletefromtree(nodetype<elemtype>* &p) {     nodetype<elemtype> *current;      nodetype<elemtype> *trailcurrent;      nodetype<elemtype> *temp;      if (p == null)     {         cout << "error: node deleted null." << endl;     }     else if (p->llink == null && p->rlink == null)     {         temp = p;         p = null;         delete temp;     }     else if (p->llink == null)     {         temp = p;         p = temp->rlink;         delete temp;     }     else if (p->rlink == null)     {         temp = p;         p = temp->llink;         delete temp;     }     else     {         current = p->llink;         trailcurrent = null;          while (current->rlink != null)         {             trailcurrent = current;             current = current->rlink;         }          p->info = current->info;          if (trailcurrent == null)         {             p->llink = current->llink;         }         else         {             trailcurrent->rlink = current->llink;         }          delete current;     } }  #endif 

also, 112% sure createlist function wrong , not create tree of random numbers, use little on well.

update: binarytree.h definition

#ifndef h_binarytree #define h_binarytree  #include<iostream>  using namespace std;  //define node template<class elemtype> struct nodetype {     elemtype info;     nodetype<elemtype> *llink;     nodetype<elemtype> *rlink; };  template<class elemtype> class binarytreetype { public:     const binarytreetype<elemtype>& operator=(const binarytreetype<elemtype>&);     bool isempty() const;     void inordertraversal() const;     void preordertraversal() const;     void postordertraversal() const;     int treeheight() const;     int treenodecount() const;     int treeleavescount() const;     void destroytree();     virtual bool search(const elemtype& searchitem) const = 0;     virtual void insert(const elemtype& insertitem) = 0;     virtual void deletenode(const elemtype& deleteitem) = 0;     virtual void createlist(const elemtype& createitem) = 0;      binarytreetype(const binarytreetype<elemtype>& othertree);     binarytreetype();     ~binarytreetype();  protected:     nodetype<elemtype> *root;  private:     void copytree(nodetype<elemtype>*& copiedtreeroot, nodetype<elemtype>* othertreeroot);     void destroy(nodetype<elemtype>* &p);     void inorder(nodetype<elemtype> *p)const;     void preorder(nodetype<elemtype> *p)const;     void postorder(nodetype<elemtype> *p) const;     int height(nodetype<elemtype> *p)const;     int max(int x, int y) const;     int nodecount(nodetype<elemtype> *p)const;     int leavescount(nodetype<elemtype> *p)const; };  template <class elemtype> binarytreetype<elemtype>::binarytreetype() {     root = null; }  template <class elemtype> bool binarytreetype<elemtype>::isempty() const {     return (root == null); }  template <class elemtype> void binarytreetype<elemtype>::inordertraversal() const {     inorder(root); }  template <class elemtype> void binarytreetype<elemtype>::preordertraversal() const {     preorder(root); }  template <class elemtype> void binarytreetype<elemtype>::postordertraversal() const {     postorder(root); }  template <class elemtype> int binarytreetype<elemtype>::treeheight() const {     return height(root); }  template <class elemtype> int binarytreetype<elemtype>::treenodecount() const {     return nodecount(root); }  template <class elemtype> int binarytreetype<elemtype>::treeleavescount() const {     return leavescount(root); }  template <class elemtype> void binarytreetype<elemtype>::copytree(nodetype<elemtype>* &copiedtreeroot, nodetype<elemtype>* othertreeroot) {     if (othertreeroot == null)         copiedtreeroot = null;     else     {         copiedtreeroot = new nodetype<elemtype>;         copiedtreeroot->info = othertreeroot->info;         copytree(copiedtreeroot->llink, othertreeroot->llink);         copytree(copiedtreeroot->rlink, othertreeroot->rlink);     } }   template <class elemtype> void binarytreetype<elemtype>::inorder(nodetype<elemtype> *p) const {     if (p != null)     {         inorder(p->llink);         cout << p->info << " ";         inorder(p->rlink);     } }  template <class elemtype> void binarytreetype<elemtype>::preorder(nodetype<elemtype> *p) const {     if (p != null)     {         cout << p->info << " ";         preorder(p->llink);         preorder(p->rlink);     } }  template <class elemtype> void binarytreetype<elemtype>::postorder(nodetype<elemtype> *p) const {     if (p != null)     {         postorder(p->llink);         postorder(p->rlink);         cout << p->info << " ";     } }  //overload assignment operator template <class elemtype> const binarytreetype<elemtype>& binarytreetype<elemtype>::operator=(const binarytreetype<elemtype>& othertree) {     if (this != &othertree) //avoid self-copy     {         if (root != null) //if binary tree not empty,             //destroy binary tree             destroy(root);          if (othertree.root == null) //othertree empty             root = null;         else             copytree(root, othertree.root);     }//end else      return *this; }  template <class elemtype> void binarytreetype<elemtype>::destroy(nodetype<elemtype>* &p) {     if (p != null)     {         destroy(p->llink);         destroy(p->rlink);         delete p;         p = null;     } }  template <class elemtype> void binarytreetype<elemtype>::destroytree() {     destroy(root); }  //copy constructor template <class elemtype> binarytreetype<elemtype>::binarytreetype (const binarytreetype<elemtype>& othertree) {     if (othertree.root == null) //othertree empty         root = null;     else         copytree(root, othertree.root); }  //destructor template <class elemtype> binarytreetype<elemtype>::~binarytreetype() {     destroy(root); }  template<class elemtype> int binarytreetype<elemtype>::height (nodetype<elemtype> *p) const {     if (p == null)         return 0;     else         return 1 + max(height(p->llink), height(p->rlink)); }  template <class elemtype> int binarytreetype<elemtype>::max(int x, int y) const {     if (x >= y)         return x;     else         return y; }  template <class elemtype> int binarytreetype<elemtype>::nodecount(nodetype<elemtype> *p) const {     return nodecount(root); }  template <class elemtype> int binarytreetype<elemtype>::leavescount(nodetype<elemtype> *p) const {     return leavescount(root); }  #endif 

virtual void createlist(const elemtype& newlist) = 0 ;                           ///                    ~~~~ shouldn't used in derived class 

the pure virtual function should present in abstract class assume binarytreetype


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