ios - Xcode not creating default container for iCloud and CloudKit: "Add the iCloud containers entitlement to your App ID" fails -

the apple docs here xcode automatically generates default container when enable cloudkit , icloud. other posts on same thing.

however, xcode fails generate default container after enabling icloud , cloudkit.

in capabilities tab, in icloud section, there error step add "icloud containers" entitlement app id. other steps show checkmark.

clicking fix issue not, in fact, fix issue.

the developer portal shows icloud has been enabled app , provisioning profile, seems supported fact first step (i.e., add "icloud" entitlements app id) checked.

do have manually create container, or how can xcode generate container automatically?

i went through , fixed generating new development provisioning profile , downloading using xcode (preferences -> select account -> view details -> download)

when app id changes, existing development provisioning profile invalidated. once create new development provisioning profile , import it, error should disappear.


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