Images not served in production via image_tag in Rails 4 -

i deployed app production , noticed images not served image_tag, served if use asset_path. have images under app/assets/images. on production precompile them in public/assets , have names such 'image_name-fk3r23039423-0e9232.png'.

when @ html code generated see image_tag's src


while asset_path generates this:


so correct. interested why can not serve images using image_tag 'image-name'?

here production.rb

config.serve_static_files = true  config.assets.compile = false  config.assets.digest = true 

i resolved adding extension file. i.e did this:

<%= image_tag 'logo.png'%> # added .png 

i don't know why didn't worked without extension in development. suppose logo image served application assets, not public.


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