javascript - AngularJs Datatables not able to iterate columns on html using ng-repeat -

hi working on angularjs datatables , trying iterate columns , rows using ng-repeat not working. checked document not able find exact way pass columns , records on html.

function customelementctrl(dtoptionsbuilder, dtcolumnbuilder) {       var vm = this;       vm.dtoptions = dtoptionsbuilder.fromsource('data.json')           .withdom('&lt;"custom-element"&gt;pitrfl');       vm.dtcolumns = [           dtcolumnbuilder.newcolumn('id').withtitle('id'),           dtcolumnbuilder.newcolumn('firstname').withtitle('first name'),         dtcolumnbuilder.newcolumn('lastname').withtitle('last name').notvisible()     ]; } here dtcolumns manually created , dtoptions directly assigned json, want assign columns json. , why can't use ng-repeat on html iterate both columns , rows rather <table datatable="" dt-options="showcase.dtoptions"   dt-columns="showcase.dtcolumns" class="row-border hover"> 


if want use angular way bind date table must this

<table datatable="ng" class="row-border hover"></table> 

as per docs.


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