c++ - Align to the right text from QLabel and QLineEdit -

i have qlabel below qlineedit same size , alignment properties:

qlineedit *lineedit = new qlineedit("999"); lineedit->setfixedwidth(100); lineedit->setalignment(qt::alignright); // qlabel *label = new qlabel("999"); label->setfixedwidth(100); label->setalignment(qt::alignright); // qlayout *layout = new qvboxlayout; layout->addwidget(lineedit); layout->addwidget(label); 

here how rendered:

enter image description here

how can have text of bottom label right-aligned text of lineedit?

full award if find solution works on platforms, , works when font sizes different in lineedit , label.

unfortunately may not possible, @ least not out of box, right margin not work, 0 when text offset left. reason this offset not determined margins, depends on combination of platform gui style , particular font's metrics that's being used, , value "conveniently" not available in class public interface, there no way it.

you can font metrics easily, can't qstyleoptionframe method required protected, accessing require subclass qlineedit. however, if lucky, value zero, go simple this:

  qvboxlayout *layout = new qvboxlayout;   qlineedit *lineedit = new qlineedit("999");   lineedit->setalignment(qt::alignright);   qlabel *label = new qlabel("999");   label->setalignment(qt::alignright);    int offsetvalue = lineedit->fontmetrics().averagecharwidth();   label->setindent(offsetvalue);    setlayout(layout);   layout->addwidget(lineedit);   layout->addwidget(label); 

if doesn't work correctly you, have no other choice subclass qlineedit, examine paint event, determine offset being calculated, , store value in public member can accessed outside used offset label.

i got lucky code:

enter image description here


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