javascript - Get events from fullcalendar to display on google calendar -

currently, using fullcalendar adding events in web application.then want events in fullcalendar display in google calendar.

but have tried search , try this

i got error referenceerror: uicalendarconfig not defined. don know how fix problem.i try find solution seems difficult.

my fullcalendar this:

$('#calendar').fullcalendar({     //.......... });  

this code have tried:

<script type="text/javascript">  var clientid = '######',      scopes = '',      calendarid = '#####';       var apikey = '#####';      function handleclientload() {         // step 2: reference api key         gapi.client.setapikey(apikey);         window.settimeout(checkauth,1);     }     //authorization in google   function checkauth() {      gapi.auth.authorize(         {            'client_id': clientid,            'scope': scopes,            'immediate': true         }, handleauthresult);   }    //checks if authorized   function handleauthresult(authresult) {       if (authresult && !authresult.error) {         loadcalendarapi();      } else {         handleauthclick();      }   }    //request credentials   function handleauthclick() {      gapi.auth.authorize(         {            client_id: clientid,            scope: scopes,            immediate: false         }, handleauthresult);      return false;   }  function loadcalendarapi() {       gapi.client.load('calendar', 'v3', makeapicall);  }  // load api , make api call.  display results on screen.   function makeapicall() {       requestlist ={         'calendarid': calendarid      });       console.log('--- eventslist ---');      console.log(eventslist);      //uicalendarconfig.calendars['mycalendar'].fullcalendar('removeeventsource', eventslist);      $("#calendar").fullcalendar('removeeventsource', eventslist);       eventslist = [];       // step 6: execute api request      requestlist         .then(function (resp) {             if (resp.result.error) {                reporterror('google calendar api: ' + data.error.message, data.error.errors);             } else if (resp.result.items) {                resp.result.items.foreach(function (entry, index) {                  eventslist.push({                     id:,                     title: entry.summary,                     start: entry.start.datetime ||, // try timed. fall all-day                     end: entry.end.datetime ||, // same                     //url: url,                     location: entry.location,                     description: entry.description                  });               });             }             if (eventslist.length > 0) {               //uicalendarconfig.calendars['mycalendar'].fullcalendar('addeventsource', eventslist, true);                 $("#calendar").fullcalendar('addeventsource', eventslist, true);              }          }, function (reason) {            console.log('error: ' + reason.result.error.message);         });   } 

during trying code same events google calendar display in fullcalendar not same want. if know or have experiences this, me please.



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