php - How to exceed .xls excel drop down cell values length using PHPExcel -

i guys sorry english need using phpexcel library creation of xls file in php. making drop down in xls using code

$objvalidation->settype( phpexcel_cell_datavalidation::type_list ); $objvalidation->seterrorstyle( phpexcel_cell_datavalidation::style_information ); $objvalidation->setallowblank(false); $objvalidation->setshowinputmessage(true); $objvalidation->setshowerrormessage(true); $objvalidation->setshowdropdown(true); $objvalidation->seterrortitle('input error'); $objvalidation->seterror('value not in list.'); $objvalidation->setprompttitle('pick list'); $objvalidation->setprompt('please pick value drop-down list.'); $objvalidation->setformula1('"item a,item b,item c,item d,item e,item f"'); 

its working fine allow enter 250 characters in setformula1 drop down cell if enter more 250 not working. how can enter values more 250 limit have googled couldn't find solution .....

despite anthony's comments , criticism of phpexcel, not phpexcel limitation, it's ms excel limitation, , way overcome same in ms excel itself.

you don't define list of dropdown options directly in formula; define range of cells containing options (perhaps in hidden worksheet), , set formula actual formula, e.g. ='dropdownsheet'!a1:a100


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