i am trying to execute a r script from asp.net page using c# but it's not executing -

i have used rscript runner not working.

public static string setuppath(string rversion = "r-3.2.3")         {             var oldpath = system.environment.getenvironmentvariable("path");             var rpath = system.environment.is64bitprocess ?             string.format(@"c:\program files\r\r-3.2.3\bin\x64", rversion) :             string.format(@"c:\program files\r\r-3.2.3\bin\i386", rversion);              if (!directory.exists(rpath))                 throw new directorynotfoundexception(                   string.format(" r.dll not found in : {0}", rpath));             var newpath = string.format("{0}{1}{2}", rpath,                                          system.io.path.pathseparator, oldpath);             system.environment.setenvironmentvariable("path", newpath);             return newpath.tostring() ;         } 

this button1_click method calls rscript runner.

        protected void button1_click(object sender, eventargs e)             {                 string s = setuppath();                 string args = "";                 string r = @"d:\scr1.r";                 var rcodefilepath = string.format(@"d:\scr1.r", "r-3.2.3");                  //string c = rscriptrunner.runfromcmd(rcodefilepath, s);                 string c = rscriptrunner.runfromcmd(r, "rscript.exe");                 label1.text = c;             } 

got solution..!

i used "shiny" library in r. converts r script app can called asp.net using simple http request.


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