ios - Same View controller in Tab bar controller for 4 tabs is giving wrong selected tabcontroller selected index -
i trying make template app... lets app loads same view controller has collectionview 4 tabs. according selected index, have load contents collection view. setting tab bar manually appdelegate. question is possible instantiating same viewcntroller 4 tabs of tabbarcontroller @ time. if yes, how know correctly index selected?
code tabbarcontroller in appdelegate
self.window = uiwindow(frame: uiscreen.mainscreen().bounds) let tabbarcontroller = uitabbarcontroller() let storyboard : uistoryboard = uistoryboard(name: "main", bundle: nil) let firstimage = uiimage(named: "image1") let secondimage = uiimage(named: "image2") var controllers = [uiviewcontroller]() var = 0; < self.mylist.count; i++ { let vc : viewcontrollertwo = storyboard.instantiateviewcontrollerwithidentifier("view1") as! viewcontrollertwo if(i == 0 || == 3) { vc.tabbaritem = uitabbaritem( title: self.mylist[i], image: firstimage, tag: i) controllers.append(vc) } else { vc.tabbaritem = uitabbaritem( title: self.mylist[i], image: secondimage, tag: i) controllers.append(vc) } } self.tabbarcontroller.viewcontrollers = controllers self.window?.rootviewcontroller = self.tabbarcontroller self.self.window?.rootviewcontroller = self.tabbarcontroller self.window?.makekeyandvisible()
if set class delegate tab bar controller, call didselectviewcontroller
delegate method. can use controllers
array determine index;
self.window = uiwindow(frame: uiscreen.mainscreen().bounds) let tabbarcontroller = uitabbarcontroller() tabbarcontroller.delegate = self func tabbarcontroller(_ tabbarcontroller: uitabbarcontroller, didselectviewcontroller viewcontroller: uiviewcontroller) { if let index = self.controllers.indexof(viewcontroller) { // index } }
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