itunesconnect - Invalid Swift Support - The SwiftSupport folder is missing -

i have updated submitted titanium app , added watch extension using swift.

everything works fine if build , test on sim , build directly device. issue when submit app apple app store (via xcode organizer).

the binary submits, passing validation email itunes connect follows:

dear developer,

we have discovered 1 or more issues recent delivery "xxxxxxxxxxx". process delivery, following issues must corrected:

invalid swift support - swiftsupport folder missing. rebuild app using current public (gm) version of xcode , resubmit it.

once these issues have been corrected, can redeliver corrected binary.

it seems though may related build setting: embedded content contains swift code.

it looks needs set yes if titanium project contains embedded swift.

as of stuck cannot submit app. ti problem or there step should follow?

xcode: 7.3, sdk: - project created , built using ti cli.

for future reference: had archive titanium project through xcode because 1 of third-party libraries requested execute script in build phases.

received same message apple , fortunately fixed changing embedded content contains swift code no.


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