c++ - How to guarantee that files downloaded via QNetworkAccessManager are not corrupted? -

i have been looking answer question, not able find it.

i using qnetworkaccessmanager download file web server , want make sure file gets downloaded without corruption.

i once implemented checksum each file, can tedious , might unnecessary. assumed corruption happen qnetworkaccessmanager. prerequisite qnetworkreply object returned call qnetworkaccessmanager's method get() has issued finished signal.

how can make sure files downloaded web server via qnetworkaccessmanager won't corrupted?

tcp/ip doesn't guarantee error-free transmission of data, if got file of correct size qnetworkaccessmanager, file still can corrupted. need use hash detects errors better tcp/ip can. has nothing qnetworkaccessmanager itself, web browser suffers same problem: you'll corrupted download if otherwise seems peachy.


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