command line - How can I change my VLC playback speed fine grain in real time? -

i doing research participants run on treadmill , project video of trail in front of them. attempting change speed of video in relation participant changing speed on treadmill. i've seen gui has options fine grain control of video playing, can't seem replicate using command-line options. can either play video @ fixed fine grain speed (i.e. 1.23x) or can change real time in large increments via rc interface (faster 1.5x, 2.0x). solution can version of vlc compatible windows xp or cygwin. script process won't changing speeds manually. thank much!

you can experiment mplayer slave mode.

to try slave mode run:

mplayer -slave -quiet <movie> 

and type slave commands console.

you can use named pipe:

mkfifo /tmp/fifofile mplayer -slave -input file=/tmp/fifofile movie.avi 

you can try these slave mode commands:

speed_incr <value>     add <value> current playback speed.  speed_mult <value>     multiply current speed <value>.  speed_set <value>     set speed <value>. 

you can visit mplayer documentation more information.


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